Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Getting in Gear

After much consideration of what this blog should be about, I think I finally found my direction. I have about a year and a half until the big day and between now and then, I will be trying to accomplish a lot: getting in shape (or getting into a shape I'd like), balancing work and wedding prep and planning the rest of the bid day details. I hope to share with you the steps I take towards my goals, the tips I pick up along the way as well as the unfortunate lessons learned.

So, to get things kicked off strong... here is a little bit about my day yesterday:

Work was same old, same old. I got home around 7:00pm (which is early for me) and for the first time in a long time, I was excited to workout. Don't get me wrong, I'm an athletic person (danced and played sports my whole life and even ran a marathon in college) but my motivation to workout during the work week is almost null and void. I gave up my gym membership when I moved into my new apartment building with Matt back in May. I was paying WAY too much for a fancy club that I didn't utilize to the fullest. PLUS, my new building had a gym. Unfortunately I discovered quickly that the gym was VERY bare boned and there was never a time when ALL the machines (and their TVs) worked properly. AND, since I don't get home before the sun sets in the winter, I am forced to work out indoors. But I digress... last night I was pumped. I got a great workout in.

-30 mins cardio (10 mins elliptical, 10 mins sprinting and 10 mins walking at a steep incline)
-15 plank leg raises on each leg (for the booty)
-10 push ups on a weight bench and 10 push ups on the ground
-various free weight combos with 7.5 lbs hand weights
-8 min abs (yes, from the 80s... youtube it, it is amazing)

I was sweaty, my muscles were fatigued and I liked it!

Afterwards I enjoyed a glass of red wine and watched some Biggest Loser. Man, if those people can get in shape, then I sure can.

I keep hearing that one of the best ways to succeed at your health and fitness goals is to build a support system to not only support you but to also hold you accountable. For that reason I have decided to blog about this aspect of my bridal prep. All around I'm healthy and a great weight but I would just like to feel uber confident and toned (but not manly toned) on my wedding day.

Hope you enjoy this chosen direction. This is not my first blogging experience, I have been the author behind for the past year. While I have not abandoned my gluten free ways, I have lost a lot of my passion for blogging entirely about food. But don't worry, I do plan to share some of my yummy meals!

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